What Are The Different Types Of Breast Implants?

A breast augmentation improves symmetry and fullness of your breasts. This surgical procedure also restores volume back to your breast after losing it from a pregnancy or weight loss. If you are thinking about getting this surgery, then you probably want to achieve a certain look. Read on to find out the different types of breast implants.

Silicone Implants

Silicone breast implants contain silicone gel. This gel makes your implant feel more like natural breast tissue. However, it is possible for silicone implants to leak. The gel can run into your implant pocket or stay within the shell. On the other hand, a leaking silicone implant will not collapse.

Silicone breast implants are approved by the FDA for women over the age of 22. If you choose silicone implants, then you need to have them checked regularly by your plastic surgeon. Plastic surgeons use an MRI screening or ultrasound to evaluate the condition of your implants.  

Saline Implants

Saline implants contain sterile salt water. If it leaks, then the implant will collapse and your body absorbs the saline. This type of implant gives your breast a uniform firmness, feel and shape.

Gummy Bear Implants

Gummy bear breast implants maintain their shape even if the shell breaks. They are called form-stable implants. The silicone gel used in gummy bear implants has a thicker consistency, than the one used in traditional silicone implants.

Gummy bear implants are very firm and can be shaped. They have more volume at the bottom and get slimmer at the top. If this implant moves out of place, then it can give your breasts an unusual look. It also requires a longer incision for placement.

Round Implants

 A round implant makes your breast appear fuller. It is the same shape all the way around. This type of implant is less likely to move out of position.

Smooth Implants

Smooth implants are an option for patients who want more of a natural feel. They are very soft and move with the breast implant pocket. This type of implant allows your breast to have natural movement. However, you can also see some visible rippling with smooth implants.

Women get breast implants for medical and cosmetic reasons. It helps to go to a licensed and experienced plastic surgeon. Some people try to take the cheaper approach and end up with a botched surgery. If you want to achieve a certain look, then a plastic surgeon can help you with choosing the right implant for best results.  
