Three Cosmetic Facial Enhancement Myths To Know

A countless number of cosmetic procedures are performed each year. Undoubtedly, a considerable portion of them are procedures that target the face including Botox, facelifts and rhinoplasty. While popular enhancements, some people don't know quite as much about these procedures as they think they do, leading to a number of myths. Make sure you know how to discern fact from fiction.

Botox Is Botox

With the increasing popularity of Botox, it seems to be available everywhere. Although it started as an exclusive treatment only offered in a physician's office, in recent years, Botox seems to be everywhere, including day spas and nail salons. Don't assume that its all the same.

This is especially the case if these places are charging far less for the treatment than your doctor. In many instances, the reason for this is a diluted product that will provide lackluster and limited results. You also have to consider the fact that the person performing the treatment may not be certified. An incorrect application can lead to asymmetry of the face.

Facelifts Prevent An Age Appropriate Look

There is a concern that facial surgery produces produce an unnatural look. In its infancy, facial surgery like facelifts primarily focused on tightening loose skin to rejuvenate and lift the face. Unfortunately, this method could produce both a dramatic and unnatural look.

Research and modern medicine has taught surgeons that targeting the natural problem of fat loss that occurs with aging is a better method for these procedures. Modern facial plastic surgery procedures revolve around replacing fat in the deeper layers of the face. This process both lifts and fills the face for a more natural and age appropriate look.

Breathing Problems After Rhinoplasty Are Common

It's true that breathing issues can arise after rhinoplasty. However, this is by no means the standard. Breathing problems arise after this procedure when the nose is narrowed too much, the bridge is reduced too far or the tip of the nose has been pinched too much. All of these concerns restrict airflow, which can impact breathing.

When you visit a board-certified surgeon you don't have to be overly consumed with these issues. A well-trained surgeon understands how to give their patients the look the desire while also keeping proper anatomy of their nose in mind.

Don't let a myth keep you from getting a procedure you want. Speak with a board-certified surgeon about any concerns you might have.

To learn more, contact a company like Waccamaw Dermatology & Plastic Surgery LLC
